Conversation with Clay

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'Soaring Nebula'

My conversations with my mentor, Lori Stone, regarding my ‘Inner Light’ project opened me to a new ability to see, feel, and talk about people, nature and life.  

I was surprised by how quickly my mind and body responded to the conversations.  I saw a shimmering, soaring Nebula flying in the space of Learning and Giving.  Touching stories, Nebula is sensing and reflecting in her art the new connection between people, nature and life. 

‘Soaring Nebula’ has a strong desire to help people to connect to the essence of their stories and set in motion the creation of new ones.

I am grateful to my mentor for listening to my story and to myself, Galina, for the courage to create a new one… I know through my own experience how revealing and liberating is this process.

See more ‘Soaring Nebula’ here!