'Special Time' ~ The Doula's Story


The Doula’s Story was told by Bonnie Evans to Marcia Donaldson:

The core of nursing fits me. I began as a Candy Striper at Boston Children’s Hospital. Once out of college, I was a nurse, then a geriatric nurse, then a palliative care nurse, a nurse practitioner next, and now I’m a doula. Someone recently called me a “pioneer” because when I transitioned to those various positions, I was always right on the cusp of their introduction into health care. Although my patients never realized it, so many of them played a big part in motivating me to move on to the next challenge.

A doula helps patients and their families navigate the end of life. It really is a calling.

Being a nurse, and also having been a caregiver for my husband when he was ill gives me a lot of perspective. I’ve been on both sides. So I know that I can help the patient and the caregiver. When I arrive at the patient’s door, I never know what is on the other side. Some of the “crustier” patients that I’ve helped have become the most precious to me.

When a person is dying, they tend to get to the heart of the matter. Time is scarce. But while there is life, there is always opportunity for personal growth, beauty, and a kind of connection with family and friends unlike any other. It can happen, and I’ve seen it.

My personal motto is “Time and a chair.” I sit with a patient, listen to their stories, often their deepest thoughts. I hold their hand. It helps all of us, in living and dying, to touch each other. It’s very humbling work.

Explore the services of Bonnie Evans, End of Life Doula here.

How Galina heard and ‘saw’ the Story:

Chair. Small room of humanity and sacrifice.  Limited time for something special to happen...  We still can connect, see beauty and grow…

Looking through the window and Seeing story: Plate "Special Time":

The life full of events, changes, and happiness moves from purple to blue, to green.  It is airy, intricate with plans, ideas and achievements.  The danger, rich orange, started to circle around you.  Its intensity changes to deep red…  The room becomes small, the time is limited, and person on a chair is helping you to use your last time to connect and appreciate your Life…

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See the ‘Special Time’ plate here.

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